Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Factory Reset is ready for consideration

Supreme Leader Nanobana Kinako is now considering to try and solve Gamma's slow charging option, one suggested to factory reset the device in hope that resetting the phone would fasten its charging. It is known that Gamma has been experiencing charging slowdown 4 times in a row in the fast few days. Tho in general, the slow charging has been a problem to Glodelania for a years as there's no successful request to the Gran Jed for a new device. Experts said that Factory Reset is not a guaranteed solution sometimes a factory reset is also a sign of Gamma's aging and degrading performance. It is known that Gamma has been Glodelania's main device serving Supreme Leader Nanobana Kinako since February 22, 2020 replacing Alpha who begin serving on May 28, 2016 and end its service on its death on February 20, 2020. Experts also stated that Gamma's more often slowdown charging simultaneously is a sign that Gamma maybe near its expiration exactly just like Alpha. If this theory is proven true then a new device is imminent option as expiration to the device without a replacement prior to the expiration could disrupt Glodelania's operation drastically if there are important project left unfinished. Experts suggested that production must be suspended until a replacement is given or a remedy is done for Gamma to prevent catastrophe.

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